A function to plot delta vs time from the sweep.dyn_2D runs
time_unit = NULL,
time_range = NULL,
hidden_boxes = NULL,
return_as_print = TRUE,
free_y_scale = TRUE,
swap_sweep_params = FALSE,
show.delta_drift = FALSE,
time_as_log10 = TRUE
Working directory of isobxr excel master file and where output files will be stored if exported by user. (character string)
Full name of sweep.dyn_2D SERIES directory (character string)
Time unit to use on plot if different from native time unit.
Character string, to be selected among the following:
micros, ms, s, min, h, d, wk, mo, yr, kyr, Myr, Gyr
Default is NULL.
Time range to zoom on as vector of two values, such as: c(0,100)
Values in displayed time units.
Default is NULL.
List of boxes to hide from plots, as a vector of character strings.
For instance c("SOURCE", "SINK").
Default is NULL.
If TRUE, prints delta and size vs. time plots in a single page figure on R.
If FALSE, returns separately delta and size vs. time plots as list of editable R objects.
Default is TRUE.
If TRUE, frees Y axis scale.
Default is TRUE.
If TRUE, swaps the sweep parameter 1 and 2 representations
from color to facet scales.
Default is FALSE.
If TRUE, displays drift of delta values from t0.
If TRUE, uses logarithmic time scale in plot.
Default is TRUE.
A set of plots showing the evolution of delta and sizes with time.