A function to plot delta and size vs time from the sim.scenario runs and to include observations along simulations.

  shown_runs = NULL,
  time_unit = NULL,
  hidden_boxes = NULL,
  return_as_print = TRUE,
  show.facets = FALSE,
  show.run_separations = TRUE,
  observations_file = NULL,
  observations_groups = NULL



Working directory of isobxr excel master file and where output files will be stored if exported by user. (character string)


name of sim.scenario SERIES directory (starts with 3_SCEN)


Vector of successive run numbers (RUN_n) to be displayed (e.g., 1:5).
Default is run 2 to last run (hides initial relaxation run)


Time unit to use on plot if different from native time unit.
Character string, to be selected among the following:
micros, ms, s, min, h, d, wk, mo, yr, kyr, Myr, Gyr
Default is NULL.


List of boxes to hide from plots, as a vector of character strings.
For instance c("SOURCE", "SINK").


If TRUE, prints delta and size vs. time plots in a single page figure on R.
If FALSE, returns separately delta and size vs. time plots as list of two editable R objects.


If TRUE, shows delta vs. time as faceted by BOX.
Default is FALSE.


If TRUE, shows limits between subruns.
Default is TRUE.


Name of the csv file containing observations (without csv extension).
Observation csv file should contain the following columns:

  1. GROUP: observation subset group label if relevant

  2. BOX_ID: BOX ID (e.g., A, OCEAN...) as defined in isobxr master file.

  3. delta.def definition of delta value, e.g., d18O

  4. obs.delta average observed delta numerical value

  5. obs.CI confidence interval of delta value

  6. obs.CI.def definition of confidence interval, e.g., 95

  7. obs.counts number of observations corresponding to average delta

  8. Time time of observation in scenario timeline, in display time units

Default is NULL.


vector of observations groups to include in plot,
from GROUP column in observation csv file.
Default is NULL.


A set of plots showing the evolution of delta and sizes with time.